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An AlphaZero approach to Watten

As thesis project for my bachelor degree, I developed a program following the AlphaZero approach that produces competitive models for an incomplete information game: Watten, a popular South Tyrolean card game. The models have been generated, starting from a random player, through iterations of self-plays followed by the training of a neural network. The research has been carried out implementing Watten in various ways and using different neural networks. A mobile application has been implemented in order to play against different learned models. GitHub project

VLSI multi-paradigm solver

Very large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of integrating or embedding hundreds of thousands of transistors on a single silicon semiconductor microchip. This is the project work of the Combinatorial Decision Making and Optimization course of the Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence of the Univeristy of Bologna. The same problem has been adressed using four different paradigms: CP, SAT, SMT, MIP. GitHub project

NLP course projects

For the Natural Language Processing course of the university of Bologna, I implemented, together with my colleagues, three small projects. The first involved Part-of-speech (POS) tagging using simple RNN architectures. The second one aimed at fine-tuning transformer models to become capable of producing answers to given questions in the form of free text. The last one required the implementation of NLP models capable to classify Human values on which a specific text relies on. GitHub project

Prolog Connect 4

As project for the Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence course, it is proposed a Prolog implementation of the famous game Connect 4. It has been developed an Intelligent Agent that is able to play against a skilled human player. To decide its moves, the agent uses the minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning and an heuristic specifically designed for this project. GitHub project

About me

I'm not just a computer scientist! Even if I like spending time on projects that motivate me, I surely enjoy reading and sunbathing as well. If I had to suggest you a book and a place where to read it, I would recommed Jorge Amado's "Gabriela, cravo e canela", on the raw greek island Ikaria. Whenever I want to get some endorphines into my system I go for a ride on my road bike to challenge the steep Bolognese hills or I plan a nice hike on the friulian alps. My remaining free time is swallowed up by Il Mercatovecchio, the band in which I play the trumpet. We are a noisy and energic group of eight. When we are not playing morra, we stay in a messy-notlargeenough-crowded room in which we play italian Indie-Rock music filled with the sound of brass.
